Mapping of HPPs

Below is a map of health professional programs (HPPs) in sub-Saharan Africa (SAA). HPPs included in the mapping are medical, public health (graduate) and nursing.

  • “Medical” refers to an university-based, undergraduate medical program, including Doctor of Medicine (MD), MBBS, doctorat de medicine and diplôme d’État de docteur en medicine, or equivalent.
  • “Public health” refers to a university-based Master’s program, an MPH, MHSc, M.Med in Community Medicine, or equivalent.
  • “Nursing” refers to a BScN, a diploma, or equivalent at an academic institution – university and non-university (e.g. nursing training schools, schools of midwifery).
  • “SSA” includes all countries in the WHO Africa Region with one exceptions: Algeria is not included. Therefore, 46 countries are included.

Results to Date
Nine hundred and twelve (912) institutions have been identified, offering 1,049 HPPs: 808 Nursing, 177 Medical and 64 Public Health. Only 36 institutions offer all three of the HPPs. Seven hundred and sixteen (716) institutions offer only Nursing program. Eighty-six (86) institutions offer only Medical programs. Ten (10) institutions offer only Public Health programs.

Map Legend
Small red Medical Only Small blue Public Health only Small yellow Nursing only
Large red Medical & Public Health Large yellow Medical & Nursing Large blue Public Health & Nursing Large green All three programs

Of the 912 institutions, 64 offer graduate level Public Health programs, 177 offer Medical programs and 808 offer Nursing programs. A more complete written analysis is forthcoming.

Updating the Information
We are working to ensure that the information presented is current. Please send any missing information or corrections to Aaron Yarmoshuk. We are also working on a system that allows institutions to update their own information.